Offer for Advertising Placement in Magazine

BostonApril 8, 2024

MiR09 LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Agency”) proposes to conclude an Agreement for the placement of advertisements (hereinafter referred to as “Advertising”) in a digital magazine (hereinafter referred to as the “Magazine”) on the following terms:

  1. Terms:
    Advertiser – an individual or legal entity placing the Advertisement.
    Magazine – a digital magazine (company catalog) located on the website.
    Order – a mutually agreed document defining the volume, quantity, frequency of publication, cost, placement period, payment term, and requirements for the original layout of the Advertisement.
    Offer – a proposal to conclude a Contract.
    Acceptance – the Advertiser’s response indicating acceptance of the Offer.
  2. Subject of the Contract:
    The Agency places the Advertiser’s Advertisement in the Magazine and other resources in accordance with the Order.
  3. Rights and Obligations:
    3.1. Advertiser: Provides information, materials (text, logos, images, photographs, contact information), and the original layout of the Advertisement. Pays for the Agency’s services. Notifies of changes in information and/or materials. Complies with US advertising legislation. The Advertiser undertakes to provide the necessary information and materials for Advertisement placement within the specified deadlines. In case of non-compliance with the deadlines, the Agency reserves the right to take measures to ensure compliance with the placement schedule.
    3.2. Agency: Places the Advertisement in accordance with the Order. Provides a placement report. Maintains the confidentiality of the Advertiser’s information. Does not place Advertisements contrary to US legislation, generally accepted moral norms, and principles of fair competition.
  4. Cost and Payment:
    The cost is determined by the Agency’s price list. Payment is made in advance.
  5. Liability:
    The Agency is not liable for the content of the Advertisement and the accuracy of the information provided by the Advertiser.
    The Advertiser is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided, as well as compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the advertising message.
  6. Term of the Contract:
    The Contract enters into force upon Acceptance and remains in effect until full performance of obligations, unless terminated prematurely by agreement of the parties or in case of breach of conditions.
  7. Dispute Resolution:
    Disputes are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes are resolved in court in accordance with US legislation. Issues not regulated by the Contract are resolved in accordance with US legislation.
  8. Force Majeure:
    Parties are released from liability for non-performance of obligations due to force majeure circumstances. Force majeure includes events that could not have been foreseen or prevented by reasonable measures of the Parties (natural disasters, military actions, strikes, changes in US legislation). The Party unable to fulfill its obligations must notify the other Party within 5 days. In case of force majeure lasting more than 30 days, either Party has the right to terminate the Contract.
  9. Additional Conditions:
    The Contract may be amended by the Agency unilaterally. All changes and additions to the Contract are checked on our website.
    This Offer is a public offer. Acceptance of the Offer implies full and unconditional consent of the Advertiser to all its terms.
    Acceptance of the Offer is carried out by:
    Submitting an Order for Advertisement placement by the Advertiser;
    Payment by the Advertiser for the Agency’s services for Advertisement placement.
  10. Agency Details:
    MiR09 LLC
    Phone: (617) 631 8830
    Email: [email protected]

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